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#CopaRFEF FA Cup Mallorca B 2 - Poblense 5

Tonight Mallorca B have greeted farewell to the FA Cup after conceding 5 goals from Poblense. With a 1-0 aggregate from Sa Pobla, the Javier Olaizola outfit was the bookies favourite to proceed onto the next round of the cup into the national stages. But at the Training Complex we have witnessed a match to forget. Gili scored an early bird one and gave his team the lead. 


The academy team equalized soon after with Cedric's strike. That goal were the best news so far, after overcoming a serious injury. He has made the starting XI and showed how accurate he is. 


Poblense nonetheless restablished the lead and the game went into the half-time break with 1-2 to Poblense. 


In the second half, the dynamics of the game initiated in the first half have been maintained and with the namely exception of some wingplay, Mallorca B have succumbed to the workrate exhibited by Poblense. Thus, in the 63th minute came the third for Poblense; the author: Lucas from the penalty spot. 


Alberto shortened the gap in the 70th minute after a great combination with James and Stephen, but the comeback hope was grounded with the fourth and fifth goals from the visiting side. Poblense have thereby proclaimed themselves as Regional Champions of the FA Cup. The Mallorcan, from now on out of this competition, meet Llagostera next Sunday at 12:00. 

Photo: FutbolMallorca