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Yuste: "talking about the ascent may be taboo, but it is our objective"

The Cartagena local addressed the team´s hardiness and desire to find a rhythm

Héctor Yuste met with us during the first team´s training camp in Holland and commented that the preseason going just as difficult as predicted, “I do not know how it is perceived from the outside but the team is running and working a lot. Physically it is demanding.” The defender went on, “we are at a stage of fatigue, of feeling bad and sweating, but we are here for this. The team is content, grasping the concepts that the coach wants. We hope that the team will be much stronger at the end of the preseason, like a ´pineapple.´”

The player elaborated about the Club´s policy of signing players, “I believe that the club has signed people that know how to do things well, people that come to complete the objectives that we all want. People that are conscious of what we hope to achieve during this long year and know that we want to do it well.

With respect to that objective, something that he believes to be a ´taboo´ subject around the Club, Yuste clarified, “I believe that we are all conscious of the objective to ascend. All players that sign for Mallorca know that here there are very high expectations. As asked by the fans and the Club´s history. You do not have to close it. Now we are concentrated on gaining rhythm and I hope that in June we will be playing, it is everybody´s dream.”

Personally, the player confirmed that he is happy in his current role, “I am starting to feel good physically because the first few days I really had to recuperate a bit more. I am happy to continue leading this project, so you can count on me. My objective is to add something, to play, and help create this ´pineapple´” he concluded.