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Vicente Moreno: "It is very difficult to win in Alcorcón, we will try to break the statistics"

Vicente Moreno has appeared at a press conference to discuss tomorrow's game against AD Alcorcón (Estadio de Santo Domingo, 20:00 hours). After playing against Rayo Majadahonda on Monday, RCD Mallorca visits AD Alcorcón, who played his game against Málaga CF two days before: "We do not have to look for excuses, we never look for them but we have a handicap to the contrary. more time to recover, is not the ideal, but I am convinced that with the illusion, the desire and the implication that are in the players who knew that ".

About the rival, Vicente Moreno assures that AD Alcorcón is "a very good team, both in individuals and teams" and values ​​the block that Cristóbal Parralo has: "It is a team that has a lot of work, works in a block, has less points that he has deserved in terms of situations and in terms of play".

Vicente Moreno has also valued the statistic that RCD Mallorca has never won in Santo Domingo: "It is always a time when they break and, in addition, our group of players have a more motivation, we will try to be first." "It is too early to talk about gusts or trends, I like to focus on enjoying the good moment we are in, trying to extend it and defend it", stressed the Valencia coach.