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Vázquez: "I hope we never have to live through that experience again."

The coach hopes to "fight for important things" next season

Fernando Vázquez met with the press after Mallorca’s season-saving victory and showed his satisfaction “to complete the mission” and he confirmed that “I hope we never have to live through that situation again, and next year we will fly high.” On that note, the coach said that “we all have to learn” and justified his players’ jubilation, “one celebrates according to the situation he or she is in, so this joy is acceptable. But it is bittersweet because we aspired to achieve bigger things and we have only saved the season on the last day.”

The Galician coach reiterated that his objective was “to save the team. I thought that we would be better, but now we have to start thinking about next year. I hope that we can fight for more important things. The key is to start well and maintain that momentum.”

The coach thought, “we are all culpable for having come to this situation. If anyone is to blame it is the team, the people who run the team, or myself.”

Finally, Vázquez thanked the fans for their support during the last few weeks, “I am happy that they can go home with the mission complete.”