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The RCD Mallorca Foundation announces Sahara initiatives

The club has announced a number of new projects in partnership with La Federación de Fútbol del Sáhara

La Fundació Real Mallorca (FRM) and la Federación de Fútbol del Sáhara are proud to announce they will be strengthening their co-operation in regards to the Saharawi terrain. Thanks to the project ‘Vacances en Pau’ managed by the Association of Friends of the Saharawi People of the Balearic Islands (AAPSIB), many Mallorquin families welcome a number of Saharawi people to the island to enjoy holidays and ultimately become fans of the club. The latest initiative in co-operation with the La Fundació Real Mallorca will see the club provide shirts and sporting equipment to visiting children with the aim of building upon the fanbase present in Saharawi countries. 

La Fundació Real Mallorca will also raise the standard of Saharawi coaches and referees by providing additional training in addition to launching a RCD Mallorca team in children’s league playing in Saharawi territories. Following the announcement, Federación de Fútbol del Sáhara representative Baba said: “You can’t forget that there are refugee camps which have poor training in this sport and football has emerged a great deal. Firstly, we want to help shape the person and then the footballer from the ages of eight. The kids will see what RCD Mallorca is about and will return with the Bermellones’ colours present, and with that, new fans and a new step in the right direction.”