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Marc Pedraza: "The point is positive"

Marc Pedraza has valued the point achieved by RCD Mallorca in his visit to the Anxo Carro: "After starting so early losing, the point is positive, we came from not scoring at home and doing it as a visitor on the following day is positive". The red midfielder has finished playing the second half as central. "The coach trusts me in that position, I'm adapting little by little, I try to get the ball well, but always concentrated", said Pedraza.

The RCD Mallorca has conceded the goal in the first bars of the game, but from that moment, has been superior to the rival and has had chances to get ahead on the scoreboard. "After the draw we had options for 1-2, CD Lugo is a strong team of the category, now we have to work the week and positive, to see if we can beat CD Tenerife on Saturday", the footballer concluded.