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Luis García Plaza: ‘The team has shown a lot of maturity and that will serve us’

The boss reflected on our victory over FC Cartagena in his post-match press conference

Luis García Plaza spoke to the media in his post-match press conference after our 2-1 win over FC Cartagena. With Amath Ndiaye and Álvaro Giménez getting the goals, find out what the boss had to say about the result below: 

On the result...

"What is clear is that we have 18 out of 21 points in the second half of the season. There are still 14 games left and we have to keep going. Cartagena have improved a lot. The coach has put together a tough, intense team and they've signed a lot. In attack they haven't generated much for us, but we've struggled a bit. Playing so much in the opposition's half you end up with chances, and today, the penalty.

"Today they celebrated the victory. It's hard to win in this division. Today the players were singing and so on, but tomorrow we have to train and carry on. We have a lot of players with five yellow cards and we're going to need those who have less minutes.

 "I couldn't see it, but I was told it was a clear penalty. There is a list, but Álvaro is a specialist. It was the same with Abdón the other day. Salva is a guy who knows how to read the games and the moments and today he gave the penalty to a specialist."

On what's left and the penalty...

"Álvaro is fine. He comes from playing in a different way and it's difficult. The other day in Logroño he already played well and today he was very good as was Abdón who didn't score today, but he did his best for the team. Álvaro is a specialist from eleven yards and today he showed it.”

 "We have to think about going to Gijón to try to keep picking up points. The second legs, the points are very valuable. The team was very mature with control of the ball. In the second half we weren't in trouble, but at 1-0 anything can happen. The team knew how to play and this is important for what we have left. Every game is going to be tremendous.”

"My team is on a very good run. When we stop winning, they'll come closer. We're going to think about ourselves and keep going. When there are only a few games left we'll see where we are. We have to keep thinking about ourselves and keep working.”