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"La Hermandad de Alfonsinos" celebrates 102 anniversary of RCD Mallorca

On March 17, the "Hermandad de Alfonsinos de la Real Sociedad Alfonso XIII will celebrate the anniversary of RCD Mallorca under the name of Royal Society Alfonso XIII. The Club that founded Don Alfonso Vázquez Humasqué celebrates 102 years of a history that began in 1916.

The Brotherhood of Alfonsinos, which remains faithful to the founder's legacy, has organized a commemorative day that will begin at 12 noon with a mass at the church "Las Teresas" and then a lunch will be held at "Es Molí des Comte".

RCD Mallorca celebrates this date as a centenarian entity and always grateful to the work of dissemination and conservation of the memory that the Brotherhood has carried out since 1960. The Association, based in the same Stadium, has a presence in numerous events and It is part of the Centennial heritage legacy of the Club.

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